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    Kong Lanju


    KONG, Lanju

    No. 1500, Huanhua Road, High-Tech Development Zone,Jinan,China,250101

    ·07.2015:Visiting scholar, University of California at Santa Barbara, America

    ·02.2011:PhD, Computer Science, Shandong University, China

    ·07.2002:M.S., Computer Science, Shandong University, China

    Research Interests:

    ·Blockchain,Consensus mechanism

    ·Business process management

    ·Cloud computing and software architecture

    Selected Publications

    [1]Lingtong Meng,Lanju Kong,Process Framework Extracting and Process Recommendation Based on BPD Similarity Clustering,CSCWD2017,Wellington,2017.4.26-2017.4.28

    [2]Xu, Yuqin, Li, Qingzhong, Min, Xinping, Cui, Lizhen, Xiao, Zongshui, &Kong, Lanju. E-commerce Blockchain Consensus Mechanism for Supporting High-Throughput and Real-Time Transaction. CollaborateCom2016, Beijing China, 2016:490-496.

    [3]Liu,Teng#,Li,Qingzhong*,Kong,Lanju,Liu,Lei,Cui,Lizhen,Optimizing replica exchange strategy for load balancing in multienant databases,WAIM,Nanchang,P.R. China,2016.6.3-2016.6.5

    [4]Zhu,Chunying#,Li,Qingzhong*,Kong,Lanju,Wang,Xiangwei,Hong,Xiaoguang,Associated index for big structured and unstructured data,16th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management ,WAIM 2015,Qingdao,P.R. China,2015.6.8-2015.6.10

    [5]Kong,Lanju,Li,Qingzhong*,Li,Lin,Sang,Chengliang,Research on multi-tenant replication consistency based on Quorum NRW system, International Journal of Grid and Distributed computing,2014,7 (3) :13-22

    [6]Kong,Lanju,Li,Qingzhong,Li,Lin,Enabling access control in partially honest outsourced databases,International Journal of Database Theory and Application,2014,7(3):63-72

    [7]Kong,Lanju*,Li,Lin,Li,Qingzhong,Shi,Yuliang,Composite authentication scheme for data intergrity protection in SaaS,Journal of Computational Information Systems,2014,10 (15): 6419-6426

    Professional Services

    ·member of CCF Youcsef

    ·ACM executive member of the Ji'nan Council

    ·Member of blockchain technology application innovation center in shandong

    ·member of CCF collaborative computing special committee

    Scientific research projects:

    ØVertical scientific research project:

    ·Research on key issues of permission blockchain for complex transaction, The State Natural Science Fund project, 2018.1-2021.12

    ·The cloud computing environment for SaaS multi-tenancy scalable data placed the key problem of research, 2014.1-2016.12

    ·The SaaS application delivery platform some key problems in the research,Shandong province natural science foundation of key projects, 2009.12 to 2012.12

    ·Big data management platform based on the cloud computing research and development, Shandong province science and technology development projects, 2012.01 to 2014.12

    ·Support multi-tenant SaaS application data storage model research, Independent innovation fund project of shandong university, 2012.01 to 2014.12

    ØHorizontal scientific research project (Enterprise entrustment):

    ·Dareway identity card system, Dareway Software Limited by Share Ltd

    ·Research on improving the management and service level of power consumption by intelligent power consumption technology, National Power Grid Corp science and technology project