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    Fenghua Guo


    Fenghua Guo (郭凤华)

    Associate Professor, Master Supervisor

    Personal information:


    School of Software

    Shandong University

    ShunHua Road 1500#, Jinan, China

    Zip Code: 250101

    Education and Qualifications:

    Associate Professor, Shandong University, 2007.9 –

    Visiting Scholar, University of Ottawa, 2010.8 -2011.7

    Ph.D., Shandong University, 2007.6.

    M.E., Shandong University, 1995.6.

    B.E., Shandong University, 1992.6.

    Research Fields:

    Computer Graphics, Image Processing,

    •Intelligent Computer Graphics

    •Image Analysis

    Selected Publication:

    1. Fenghua Guo, Caiming Zhang. A Polygonal Decomposition Algorithm for Planar Parametric Curves,Journal of Information and Computational Science. 2006, 3(4): 737-744.

    2. Fenghua Guo,Optimal Parameterization of Parametric Curves,Journal of Computer-Adied Design & Computer Grahics(in Chinese),2007,19(4): 464-467.

    3. Fenghua Guo, Caiming Zhang, Lizhen Cui. Sketching Interfaces for Remote Collaboration,Proceedings of the 2007 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. Melbourne: IEEE Press, 2007. pp.63-68

    4. Fenghua Guo ,Caiming Zhang .An algorithm for sketching design with pencil and eraser. 1st International symposium on pervasive computing and applications proceedings, 2006, 403-407.

    5. Yan He, Fenghua Guo. Curve reconstruction from a set of unorganized points. Computer Application and System Modelling(ICCASM),2010,v6,262-265.

    6. Xingqiang Yang, Caiming Zhang, Yi Liu, Fenghua Guo, A Geometric Method for Subpixel Boundary, Proceedings of 2007 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, CAD/Graphics 2007, Proceedings of 2007 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, CAD/Graphics, 2007, pp. 208-212

    7. Fenghua Guo, Yan He, Nizar Sakr, Jiying Zhao,Abdulmotaleb El Saddik. Haptic data compression based on curve reconstruction. LNCS, In Proc. of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems,pages343-354, June,2011.

    8. F. Guo, Y. He, N. Sakr, J. Zhao, and A. El Saddik. Haptic data compression based on quadratic curve reconstruction and prediction. In Proc. of ACM International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service, pages 193–196, Aug. 2011.

    9. Yu liu, Dai Hongjun, Fenghua Guo, Zhao Guoling. Incremental Synchronizable Network Application Protocol on Android Platform. Journal of Computer Engineering, 2011, (18): 59-62

    10. Dai Hongjun, Liu yu, Guo Fenghua, Jia Zhiping. A Malicious Node Detection Algorithm Based on Principle of Maximum Entropy in WSNs. Journal of networks,7(9),pp.1376-1383, 2012

    11. Fenghua Guo, Caiming Zhang and Yan He. Haptic Data Compression Based on a Linear Prediction Model and Quadratic Curve Reconstruction. Journal of Software, 9(11), 2796-2803,2014.

    12. Fenghua Guo, Caiming Zhang. Haptic data compression by curve fitting,Journal of Computer-Adied Design & Computer Grahics,27(3), 508-513,2015 .

    13. Fenghua Guo, Caiming Zhang, Wenjiang Jiao. Research progress on mesh parameterization. Journal of Software(in Chinese),2016,27(1):112−135

    14.Mingli Zhang,Christian Desrosiers,Qiang Qu, Fenghua Guo ,Caiming Zhang. Medical image super-resolution with non-local embedding sparse representation and improved IBP,2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 20-25 March 2016.

    15. Fenghua Guo,Caiming Zhang,Mingli Zhang. Edge Preserving Image Denoising , IET Image Processing, 12(8),pp.1394-1402,2018.

    16. Fenghua Guo,Caiming Zhang. Edge preserving mixed noise removal, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(12), pp. 16601-16613,2019

    Selected Projects:

    (1) Research on the theories and applications of surface smooth cross field construction with singularity optimization. NSFC project, 2018-01 - 2021-12.

    (2) Basic theory and semantic fusion technology for big data analysis in smart medical care (U1609218), National Fund Joint Fund Project, 2017.01- 2020.12

    (3) Theory and key technologies of 3D data representation, NSFC project, 2010.01-2013.12

    (4) Research of rapid modelling based on 4D medical images. NSFC project, 2013.1 - 2015.12