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    Hong Liu


    LIU, Hong

    Associate Professor

    School of Software, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong Province, China

    ·12.2003:PhD, Computer Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China,

    ·03.2000:M.S., Computer Science, Shanghai University, China,

    ·07.1997:A.B., Computer Science, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China

    Research Interests:

    Algorithm and Complexity Theory, Computational Social Choice, Machine Learning

    ·Parameterized algorithms, parameterized complexity

    ·Kernelization algorithms and complexity

    ·Computational analysis of voting problems

    Selected Publications

    [1] Hong Liu and Jiong Guo: Parameterized Complexity of Winner Determination in Minimax Committee Elections. AAMAS 2016: 341-349.

    [2] Hong Liu, Daming Zhu: Parameterized complexity of control by voter selection in Maximin, Copeland, Borda, Bucklin, and Approval election systems. Theoretical Computer Science 498: 115-123 (2013).

    [3] Hong Liu, Daming Zhu: Parameterized complexity of control problems in maximin election. Information Processing Letters 110 (10): 383-388 (2010).

    [4] Hong Liu, Haodi Feng, Daming Zhu, Junfeng Luan: Parameterized computational complexity of control problems in voting systems. Theoretical Computer Science 410 (27): 2746-2753 (2009).