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    Peng Zhang


    Peng Zhang

    Associate Professor

    School of Software, Shandong University

    Address: 1500 Shunhua Road, Jinan 250101, Shandong, China.


    Study and Work Experience

    2018/01-now, School of Software, Shandong University, Associate Professor

    2008/05-2017/12, School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, Lecture, Associate Professor


    2013/03-2014/03, University of California, Riverside, USA, Visiting Scholar

    2010/01-2010/06, Microsoft Research Asia, Visiting Scholar

    2009/02-2009/22, The University of Hong Kong, Visiting Scholar

    2008/07-2008/08, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Visiting Scholar


    2004/09-2007/07, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD

    2001/09-2004/07, School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, MA

    1996/09-1999/07, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, BA

    Research Interests

    Research directions: design and analysis of algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computational complexity.

    Application areas: algorithms in artificial intelligence, network science, and big data.

    Selected Papers

    [ZXJ+18] Peng Zhang, Yao Xu, Tao Jiang, Angsheng Li, Guohui Lin, Eiji Miyano. Improved approximation algorithms for the maximum happy vertices and edges problems.Algorithmica, 80(5):1412-1438, 2018.

    [ZFT18] Peng Zhang, Bin Fu, Linqing Tang. Simpler and better approximation algorithms for the unweighted label s-t cut problem.Algorithmica, 80(1):398-409, 2018.

    [Zha16] Peng Zhang. A new approximation algorithm for the unbalanced min s-t cut problem.Theoretical Computer Science, 609:658-665, 2016.

    [LZ13] Angsheng Li, Peng Zhang(*). Unbalanced graph partitioning.Theory of Computing Systems, 53(3):454-466, 2013. (*corresponding author)

    [ZZL12] Peng Zhang, Daming Zhu, Junfeng Luan. An approximation algorithm for the generalized k-multicut problem.Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160(7-8):1240-1247, 2012.

    [TZ12] Linqing Tang, Peng Zhang. Approximating minimum label s-t cut via linear programming.LATIN2012:655-666. (alphabet order)

    [ZCTZ11] Peng Zhang, Jin-Yi Cai, Linqing Tang, Wenbo Zhao. Approximation and hardness results for Label Cut and related problems.Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 21(2):192-208, 2011.

    [Zha07] Peng Zhang. A new approximation algorithm for the k-facility location problem.Theoretical Computer Science, 384(1):126-135, 2007.

    Research Projects

    (7) PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China, The homophyly principle of networks and approximation algorithms for graph partitioning problems, 2017-2020.

    (6) PI, Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, Approximation algorithms and hardness for the minimum cut problems with modern applications, 2016-2019.

    (5) PI, Self-Innovation Project of Shandong University, Approximation algorithms with applications for the cut problems in networks, 2012-2014.

    (4) PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Approximation algorithms for the link selection problems in networks, 2010-2012.

    (3) PI, The Post-doc Foundation of Shandong Province (first class project), The design and analysis of approximation algorithms for network design problems, 2009.

    (2) PI, National Post-doc Foundation (special funding project), Approximation algorithms for the multiway cut problem, 2009.

    (1) PI, National Post-doc Foundation (general project), Approximation algorithms and hardness for network cut problems, 2008.